The golf is great, life is good and there is always a reason to celebrate.

Merrimack Valley Golf Club Rates 2025

Rain Check Policy
If you or your group play fewer than five holes on either nine, you will be given a full rain check for those nine holes. If you choose to begin a round while it’s raining, we reserve the right to refuse a rain check.

Dress Code - (Effective May 1, 2023)

Merrimack Valley Golf Club requires that its members & guests dress appropriately. The club reserves the right to require any member or guest to change any attire which does not comply with the dress code. Once again, the dress code below applies to members and their guests while playing golf. The dress code does not pertain to the restaurant or event venues.

  • Men are required to wear slacks or Bermuda shorts with a collared shirt.
  • Cargo shorts & pants are prohibited. Shorts or pants designed with inverted side pockets are acceptable; however, they must be designed specifically for golf.
  • Tee Shirts & collarless shirts are prohibited except for mock turtlenecks.
  • Women are required to wear shorts, skirts or slacks with an appropriate golf shirt.
  • Tank & halter tops are prohibited.
  • Merrimack Valley Golf Club requires members and guests to wear soft spikes at all times.
  • Golf shirts must remain tucked in at all times and hats shall be worn facing forward.
  • No denim is allowed on the golf course.
Merrimack Valley Golf Club encourages its members to enforce the dress code among fellow members. All members of the golf staff are required to enforce the dress code and deny course access to any member or guest that does not comply.

Pace of Play
18-hole rounds of golf must be completed in four hours and 30 minutes or less. If your group falls behind the group playing in front of you AND/OR you are behind your scheduled time, you will be asked by our rangers to hasten your pace of play and get back in position on the golf course. Your position on the golf course is determined by your tee time. If a ranger has to speak to your group a second time, you will be asked to move into position (skip holes if necessary) on the golf course. Please remember that the group playing behind you does not determine your pace, the group in front of you does.

Potential delays may occur due to frost and weather.

Food & Beverage
All food and beverage consumed on the golf course must be purchased from the Merrimack Valley Golf Club and/or our beverage and snack cart. No coolers will be allowed on the golf course or in the parking lot at any time.

Golf Cart Rental
Cart renter must have valid driver’s license.
Cart renter must sign a Golf Cart Rental Agreement at time of rental.
If the cart it damaged after you’ve signed for it, you will be held accountable to pay for all damages, including labor.
Use extra care when operating a golf cart in reverse, or on hills, wet turf, loose surfaces or rough terrain.
Do not operate a golf cart when impaired by alcohol or drugs.
Golf carts do not provide protection from lightning; seek appropriate shelter if lightning is present.
Rangers may be sent giving instructions to leave the course and seek shelter at the Clubhouse.

Following these simple guidelines will help to keep the golf course in the best condition it can be, as well as ensure your safety during play. In return, we hope this makes your round of golf more rewarding and more enjoyable.

Merrimack Valley Golf Course Rates 2025

Rain Check Policy
If you or your group play fewer than five holes on either nine, you will be given a full rain check for those nine holes. If you choose to begin a round while it’s raining, we reserve the right to refuse a rain check.

Green Fees9 Hole Rates18 Hole Rates
Weekend rates consist on FRI, SAT and SUNDAY
Golf Cart Rentals - (Member)$10.00/pp$20.00/pp
Golf Cart Rentals - (Non Member)$12.00/pp$22.00/pp
Club Rental Rates - ID REQUIRED See Pro Shop  See Pro Shop



210 Howe Street
Methuen, MA 01844


Email: hello@merrimackvalleygolfclub.com
Pro Shop: (978) 683.7771 X3
Sandtrap: (978) 683.7771 X14
Sales Office: (978) 683.7771 X19


Sandtrap Bar and Grille


At Merrimack Valley Golf Club, the golf is great, life is good and there is always a reason to celebrate.

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